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Slow Brain Activity Caused By Menopause

Menopause, known by most as a period of change, causes a bevy of alterations. It changes the organs. It may slow brain activity. It may cause memory lapses. It may even result in mood swings and hot flashes. These changes annoy, exhaust, and anger women to find solutions and assistance.   

Brain Alterations

Conversations become impeded by your lapse in the thought process. Glasses become lost for minutes—only

to be found sitting a top your head. Even remembering basic tasks becomes cumbersome. Don’t worry, it may not be early signs of Alzheimer’s; it may just be signs the brain is undergoing the changes of menopause.
Menopause causes lapses in memory and hardships in concentration because of the alteration to essential biochemicals inside the brain. During menopause, estrogen levels see a dearth in production. Its decrease causes the brain to see a chemical alteration that leads to lapses in memory and issues with concentration. Lapses in memory and issues with concentration may not be the most debilitating problems, the heightened irritation and mood swings can make friends, family, and even co-workers fearful of upsetting a woman undergoing menopause.

What The Evidence Says

The brain encodes and retrieves data; menopause alters or weakens these functionalities. During MRI scans, the left-brain, the area responsible for decision making, showed less encoding information activity in menopausal women than pre-menopausal women. This decreased functionality may explain why some menopausal women experience difficulty during rational and analytical thinking processes.

The area of the brain involved in memory is too affected because of its dependence on estrogen, according to researchers. These estrogen-dependent activities result in why most women experience lapses in short-term memory. Even studies confirm that women who take estrogen-based hormones perform better on memory tests than those without the hormone. 

Happy, Sad, Tearful, and Angry—The Changes in Mood

Because menopause decreases the production of hormones, mood tends to fluctuate for women. Some may feel happy, then sad, then tearful, then even angry—all in the span of a half-hour. Menopausal women may experience a gamut of different emotions because of the changes to their brain chemistry. Women who struggle with altering mood swings may want to find mental exercises and techniques to avoid unnecessary bursts of anger or sadness. 

Menopause and Beyond

Menopause ushers in a new change to life; it does not mean a complete end to life. Embrace the change. Learn methods of coping with your newfound alterations, such as alternative supplements or techniques. Look ahead to your Golden Years, and enjoy your life!

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